Thursday, May 17, 2012

Breakfast at 6pm

Cooking for self : a form of healthy narccissm? Always wanted to use this kind of shitty intro :p. After the night shift i came home at 8 in the morning. The best thing about night shift is you get the whole day to sleep. Slept like a baby for about 10 hours and woke up with cannibalistic hunger rage!!! Going out to get some stuff necessary for cooking was a great torture, i was hungrily looking at the arms and calves of people passing by with the above mentioned rage *_*. Of course people were selling stuff on the roadside but because pune is a vegetarian dominated area, there were only leaves and potatoes. But i had better plans for myself, I had, in my fridge, something almost taboo. A full pack of beef sausages procured after a long search for the lesser known spar shopping place, the best of its kind (could kick the sorry ass of big bazar any day). So my plan was to saute (going to try it the prescribed way for the first time) it in olive oil till it is brown and then boil it in the same pan with some water to make it a little soft, also cleaning the pan of the excess oil in the process, so it is easy to clean it after eating. Then fill a hot dog bun with this and some tomato and chilli. In the shop there was no oil. I asked for coconut oil for cooking and he looks at me like i am some retarded child and says "One does not simply use coconut oil... cook food!!" ONLY to grow long beautiful hair!!!. I silently pitied the fool, and reached back home with butter and eggs and stuff. Butter, i planned to use to saute with, although i read somewhere that butter is no good for it, as it evaporates or something. But the tragedy struck when i reached back home and found that the butter has melted from my body temperature. I kept it in the fridge which was still warm cos of the power cut. By this time i had lost all strength for logical thinking. I decided to boil the sausage and put it in the middle of the bun with some tomato and chilli and eat it. Now i started working, i boiled some water for the tea, no food without tea. Took out a couple of sausages and kept it in some water to cool off (warm up). Then started working on the tomato, cut it in pieces and the chilli too. The sausage was almost ready to get cooked and I put it in the pan and was about to fire up the stove when I thought of something else. I had no idea how to cut the tomato. I had cut one in semicircles and other two into small pieces. By the time i had finished cutting i had lost the point of cutting it in all this different shapes. Now they cannot be put in a hotdog in all these shapes. So i decided to bring the water to boil and then put the tomato and chilli in before the hot dog. Thought i will make a hotdog curry. You must know that when i went to the shop, i did not ask for salt because i had salt. It just was not there in my mind. But when i pictured myself eating the hotdog and remembering the biggest complaint i always come up with all the time, "amma no salt in the curry!". Then it struck, i had no salt!!! I looked around, because i had nothing much in the kitchen i could see all that i had. There was in the corner a container with uppilitta manga!!. I took one out cut it into small slices and arranged it on the floor of the cut bun. Voila i hav all the salt i ever need. By this time the water had boiled for tea good for 2 tea cups. I put in the tea leaves and put out the flame immediately (if you love tea this should be how it is done). The hot dog curry was ready with a small amount of tomato extract and cooked tomato and chilli and a couple of very soft but slightly split hot dogs. now i was all set for eating. I filled my borosil vision glass with tea(these are the awesomest simplest glass ever, that costs around 600 per dozen but got from spar 1 at 29/- :), you can boil things in it freeze ice in it, it is the stuff test tubes are made of ). Brought my food to the room where i LIVE, put a play list of New Order songs, filled the bun with cooked tomato and chilli and topped it all with the sausage. Then there was some tomato, chilli and hot dog extract in the pan that i poured over the hotdog. And started having what could be the best breakfast ever. The tea was just great, no wonder it is my favorite drink at the moment. The wholesomeness that too in the borosil glass, with very minimal food, involving the basic smell of hot chilli, tomato and sausage untainted by the usual explosion of flavors of all kind that is found in the food here, the upbeat purely happy music by the once sad but now better bunch of people called new order. There was an excess of minimalism around. Once i had finished the food i found that there was some more tea left to wash off the taste. After the food all i was left with was a plate a pan and a tea pot and glass to cleanup. And a full stomach. Peace. Folks maybe i found it all too good because of the hunger but if so then starvation should be made an important part of cooking hehe.

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